Friday, 29 February 2008

Totally Gratuitious Post

Went swimming. Then I had some water stuck in my ear. That was annoying, so when it hadn't gotten out since after my shower, I stuffed some tissue paper in, and soaked up the water, and it cleared.

Later on, I noticed that it was a little painful in that right ear of mine. It persisted until it became a somewhat throbbing pain and I had to sleep it off. It was only the next day when I realised that I could relieve the pain by equalising the pressure on both sides of my eardrum.

I decided to figure out whether there was something blocking the passage. I put the ear wax spatula into the ear and started feeling around gingerly for anything stopping the gap. There was nothing apparently at first, then I put the finger in and out came 1 huge lump of earwax. Aha, that was the source of my problems.

Then I put the spatula in again and managed to gouge out a second large lump. Totally gross. But interesting flavour though.

So kids if you have problems with water in your ear, then it could just as well be that you haven't cleared your ears for a while. If the earwax is stopping up the pressure valves on your ear then clear it before it becomes a real pain.

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