Wednesday, 26 September 2007


Shut up, already. Damn!

I don't know whether I've blogged about earthquakes before.

Most parts of the world don't have earthquakes. Unfortunately earthquakes happen near fault lines, fault lines are usually but not always found where the land meets the sea and that's also where most of the world's population live. We get tremors but no real earthquakes.

First one I've ever been in was in Osaka, when I was in Japan for a vacation. It was a Richter 5.5 (meaning it's really mild). But me and my friend were in a hotel room at that point, we were yelling! "We're going to die! We're going to die!" We ran 10 storeys down the stairs to the hotel lobby only to find those people (remember - these are Japanese, not laid back people by any measure) going about their daily business.

It was vaguely humiliating.

Second time was in the wee hours of the morning, when I was sneaking my father's car out for a drive. I thought that I was driving on bumpy ground for a little while. Then it occurred to me, reading the reports, that that's probably what driving in an earthquake is like.

Third time was in the evening, earlier this year. But I was in Geylang fucking a prostitute so I didn't notice anything. I thought it was a wilder than usual experience.

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