Sunday, 16 August 2009

Three random pieces

1. I think that when you’re doing something – anything, actually, there are 3 stages – the beginning, the middle and the end. The beginning is usually quite rough, and you’re trying to learn the ropes, trying to be good at what you’re supposed to do. The middle is more comfortable, you’ve found a group of people you’re comfortable with, you’re getting by in your work. The end is not very comfortable, knowing that another new beginning is ahead of you, trying to make that new beginning happen, having to do a lot of things at work that you’ve been putting off because you were never comfortable doing them in the first place.

2. I asked my grandmother if she had seen a total eclipse in her life. She said yes, and during those days she lived in a village. They were taking out their gongs, pots and pans and banging them over and over to scare away the dog who was eating the sun. I asked her before or after the war, she said, after, when your father was a kid.

I asked them, didn't they already know about astronomy? even during those days it was fairly well known. It was only around 10 years before they put a man on the moon. Well you don't know about these things.

3. Played basketball with Sniper and gang. It was a typical game, no better or worse than anything else. Did 1 or 2 stupid things, as usual. Towards the end of the evening, we had sniper trying to pull my leg, almost as though he suddenly remembered that he forgot that he had to insult me at least once every week. I looked at him and I thought for a while.

It didn’t rank particularly high on the list of nasty things he’s said to me over the years. But I’ve had enough. I’m quitting that scene for good. There were good times over those 5.5 years but they're all over. If he’s getting difficulties getting his team together that’s his fucking problem. People who are friends of his don’t tend to stay that way for long.

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